Monday, June 3, 2013

* Head Bangers: An APF Sexcapade (Strebor Quickiez)

Welcome back the QUEEN of erotica!!!!
Was it me or did this book slip under the radar? Zane hasn't published a book in quite a while so when I saw this one I was like, "huh?" Once I got over the shock of seeing this book, I took it up to the counter and said, "one please". Giddy is the word I would use as I waited for my break so I could start reading this book. Would Zane still have "it"? Would we still want to read "it"? Did this book make me want "it"? Ummmm... yes, hell yes, and hell-to-the-yes!!

`Head Bangers' is packed with everything that makes a Zane book a Zane book! Sex, laugh out loudness, more sex, ridiculous drama, more and more sex, and sexy sexyness! This is one of the `Strebor Quickies' but it's also part of the APF series. Don't know what `APF' stands for? Then you best find out! :-) What I wouldn't give for just ONE TIME to be one of the male hosts! One time, is that too much to ask?!

Hope and Faith are twin sisters who are in college getting their study on and their...

Head Bangers: An APF Sexcapade (Strebor Quickiez)

Hope and Faith: two things that everyone needs to survive. But the words take on a different meaning in the form of a set of twins who attend Crockett University in Washington, D.C. As seniors, they are looking forward to a bright future in corporate America. Meanwhile, they

Head Bangers: An APF Sexcapade (Strebor Quickiez) is one of best selling in Erotica category.

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